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A social platform seamlessly introduces Web2 users to Web3, without the complexities of crypto for quests or donations.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Space is a revolutionary decentralized platform that is completely transparent and permissionless. It is designed to connect people who need data with those who have it, creating a seamless exchange that incentivizes business growth and adoption.

Additionally, Space is a donation platform that can be used for any cause, allowing anyone to upload their crisis or unfortunate events and ask for help from the decentralized community. The platform also provides a shareable page feature, making it easier for users to spread the word and garner support for their cause.

Web3's first truly decentralized platform, Space connects people with requirements to folks who can bring them what they need.

Don't worry about paying gas fees when using our platform - we've got you covered! Our paymaster will take care of it, so you can focus on your transactions hassle-free.


How it's Made

Decentralised Services (Ether.js and communication with Smart Contract).

All smart contracts are deployed on Polygon Mumbai and Scroll Sepolia Testnet (Space.sol)

  • Mumbai 0x67A94C43b74562aa461e3cf0ED91CfF66427312D
  • Scroll Sepolia Testnet 0x762Bc4633A8F36cE42a419B0B530c34a7B2e32E7

This project uses,

  • ✨ Next.js to design the frontend
  • ✨ IPFS for storing quests, campaigns, and profile metadata through Web3.Storage
  • ✨ The Graph for fetching smart contract
  • ✨ PolygonId for user verification
  • ✨ Biconomy’s Gasless Transactions SDKs for gasless transactions throughout the dapp
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