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Space Art

Space Art is marketplace and community where you can buy , sell and create NFT items through the usage of ethers and track the ownership of digital assets We’ll make the world where human creativity is fully respected

Space Art

Created At


Winner of

IPFS / Filecoin Prize Pool

Project Description

Space Art Full stack NFT marketplace is final-project to blockchain developer bootcamp-2021 Space Art is an NFT store built on Polygon Blockchain ( Reposten Testnet )

Tagline : Space Art is marketplace and community where you can buy , sell and create NFT items through the usage of ethers and track the ownership of digital assets We’ll make the world where human creativity is fully respected

What I did for the web3jam hackathon : • Upload website on IPFS • NFT Marketplace • Ens Domain (coming soon)

Problem it Solves :

• Duplicate Asset Problem: Duplication of digital assets is not possible due to non fungibility of NFT's. • No Tampering of Data: No one can easily tamper the data as the data is stored on the blockchain. • Quick Transactions from Polygon: Polygon provided us with quick transaction speed which boosted the User Experience of our website. • Ownership Record Maintainance: Ownership can be tracked easily as smart contract passes the ownership from the seller to buyer directly. • Data Storage problem of Blockchain: Blockchain can't be used for storing media files for media assets in an efficient manner, so we used IPFS for digital assets.

How it's Made

I was unaware of the development technology behind NFT tokens. Consequently, the most difficult thing for me, was to overcome the fear of learning a new technology such as blockchain. Thanks to Polygon, it was easily able to build NFT tokens , First time use Taiwindcss with Next.js

Technologies Used :Polygon,IPFS,ENS ,Domain,Next.js,Hardhat,Ethereum,Solidity,Metamask,web3,JavaScript,Tailwindcss

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