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Interoperable Safe modules installable and configurable through the existing Safe UI.


Created At


Winner of

🥇 Safe — Best Use

Project Description

This is a collection of interoperable modules, installable and configurable as a dapp through the existing trusted safe global user interface.

Automate your personal infinite garden any way you like, without having to write, audit or even understand solidity code. We take care of the security, automation and technical implementation for you!

How it's Made

This proof-of-concept runs on Optimism Goerli, using the Optimism Starter repo (wagmi + Foundry + Rainbowkit + Vite). It deploys to IPFS via Fleek using CI/CD.

The key for this project is that it should enable a relative novice user to "install" (deploy and enable) a module onto their safe. We do this by providing a UI for an on-chain factory, from which this deployment and configuration can take place.

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