Harbeger NFTs: Price Things based on how much the owner values it
Harbeger NFTs are inspired by Harbeger Taxes. The owner of the asset chooses the price and pays a % tax to the creator on a recurring basis. Anyone may purchase the asset from the current owner for the price the owner has set.
The owner may make recurring payments to clear their tax balance otherwise the creator may reclaim the asset.
They can also stream payments to the creator to have their taxes automatically paid.
More information here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d6hGXg3DvOTq22MwBJW0r6aLKX2hoiMQq8SMEjFJI9g/edit#slide=id.p https://github.com/atilatech/smart
The smart contracts were written in on Solidity using the OpenZeppelin frameworks and Yos Riady and Melodie Sim's Patronage Collectibles smart contract. The smart contracts were compiled and deployed on the Ethereum, Polygon and Optimism blockchains using Hardhat.
The smart contracts were verified using the Etherscan API.
The superfluid create flow operation was used to stream payments from the owner to creator.