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Users can tip to front-end developer using only URL. And we provide protocol operator with data that they need when they airdrop to third party front-end developers and their supporters.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🤝 ENS — Integration Bounty

Project Description

【“Why” we build SiteAngel】 In web3, developers sometimes build third party front-end for dapps backend code (smart contracts)(e.g. Lens Protocol, Tornado Cache). "Third party front-end" not only allows users to choose the frontend that suits their tastes, but also makes many benefits such as anti-censorship, and UI/UX optimization due to competition with each other. Users want to thank developer and tip. Dapps operators would want to airdrop to front-end developers and their supporters, and incentivize third party front-end development.

【“How” SiteAngel works】 Users tip to front-end developer using "DNS Domain Name as ENS". If the frontend developer has not registed the ENS, donation will be pooled in SiteAngel treasury contract. Then, after they regist, they can claim that tip. Of course, users can tip to any website (e.g., not just third party frontends . When users tip, record which transaction was associated with the tip. The record will be provided to dapps operators upon request.

How it's Made

hardhat, ethers, own contract, ENS, push were mainly used. A very unique aspect of this project is that we took advantage of the ability to treat the DNS (ex, like an ENS by adding custom records. Thus, with our service, users can easily send a tip to the front-end operator with just a url to express their appreciation. This time, we also utilized the push protocol to allow users to send messages as well as tips to the site operators. We believe this will convey our gratitude even more. Since only the DNS ENS already registered with the site can refer to the wallet address, in the case of tipping such sites, we receive the tip via our contraption and the site operator can claim it later. On-chain, we prevented others from CLAIMING by checking the dns and the address associated with it and comparing it to the person who signed it.

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