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Decentralized legal information about gender legal cases. Getting vulnerable women being helped contacting them with gender-specialized institutions.


Created At


Winner of

1️⃣9️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Top 19

🤑 Polygon — Best Local LATAM Public Goods or Refi Project

🥇 Boba Network — Best Use

🥇 Push Protocol — Best Use

Project Description

We would give access to all legal information about gender cases through one simple access. Also the vulnerable woman who consult can ask for help in a save and secure way, and some qualified person will respond to her, and she can assurance that her information is not going to be storaged or adressed to someone else.

How it's Made

This project uses IPFS nodes to storage the legal cases files that are already uploaded in gubernamental web2-sites. We use a solidity smart contract for two things: uploading the hash's files (with an onlyOwner() function) and making them public (with a public view function) so we can consume it directly from our browser app (using nodejs connection to connect our frontend with our contract), no wallets involved since we want the information to be accessible. The smart contract is already deployed on Polygon Testnet and Boba Testnet.

The browser app also has a S.O.S. button that redirects you to complete a form if you press it. The form ask for relevant and necessary contact information for the qualified institutions to reach the vulnerated woman who's asking for help.

Since we want the message to be private and just sent to this institutions, we are using Push Protocol. We, as SetOnStone project, have an ENS domain that is also related to a wallet. Each institution that is going to help women has an ENS subdomain that is related to a wallet too. Our SetOnStone project owns a channel at Push, and all the wallets related to our institutions are subscribers to our channel. With the Push API we can select the delivered address that are receiving the messages, since we control the flow by being the channel owners. Also as owners we are paying for gas fee transactions that are involved into the messaging process.

For future features we want the institutions to have Polygon IDs, since reputation and privacy topics are really important to the project.

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