A Dapp that enables you to Own and Safely Share your Personal and Medical data. SSHR enables you to Own and Safely Share your Personal and Medical data
All information of our project: SSHR Notion
SSHR allows users to create Electronic Health Records for themselves. These health records are stored on a decentralized data network. Only the patients can access their information after signing a transaction with their wallets. Patients can share their information with Medical Professionals by providing their wallet addresses. Patient Data can then be decrypted by only two parties, the patient and the medical professional.
Patients can talk to their doctors using the small chat pop-up on their screen. This makes peer-to-peer communication between patients and doctors very convenient.
Patients can list their data on an NFT marketplace with their consent to researchers that would use this data for research purposes.
The database layer is made using Ceramic Protocol. Patient data is stored on Ceramic. Basic personal and medical are the three types of data that are stored. Also, a share log i.e. a log of all the shares that the patient makes is also stored for the user. Here are all the schemas that are being used: https://github.com/yash-deore/sshr-hackfs#database-layer
Data encryption and decryption are managed using Lit Protocol. Patients can share the data they wish to by providing a wallet address. This generates a link for the patient which only the patient and the doctor can decrypt, so no worries about the link going public (unlike the IPFS URLs we use on a daily basis which can be read by everyone that has the link).
Peer-to-peer connection is established using the XMTP protocol. Patients get a small pop-up button in the bottom right corner of their screen, using which they can chat and send the sharing link to their physician.
NFT marketplace is a smart contract that allows list, buy and sell functionalities. Every time an action is performed on the contract, it emits an event that is tracked using The Graph protocol.
The metadata is stored using NFT.storage.
The data for the marketplace is retrieved from this sub-graph: https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/brahmapsen/healthdatamarket
Smart contracts are deployed on Polygon Test-net.
The NFT Smart contract: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x4A92819aD686915be11711bB36706b195e0625ff
Marketplace Smart Contract: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x41C3d7BC580cC9A4b9bca53F4A28eBd4B56605B6