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One repository for the world tree data. Social media for trees.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🥇 The Graph — Best new subgraph(s)

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

What's benefit of doing this ?

  1. We'll have a database for tree in the world with ownership data, which can support the next item
  2. There is an opportunity to trade tree on chain and off chain
  3. This can help people to checkup the world status about trees
  4. So that people can contribute to save the world by paying someone to plant trees for them. They get ownership upon that tree.
  5. Any further utilization upon tree ownership data (e.g., carbon credit, ESG policy, etc.) can be leveraged from this global database

How it's Made

Main tools

  1. Figma for UX/UI design
  2. Next.js for frontend development
  3. Solidity and hardhat for smart contract development
  4. The graph for blockchain data indexing

These are the sponsor tools we used to build Scaling Tree

  1. This project is deployed to Gnosis chain, Polygon skEVM, and Optimism.
  2. It uses the graph to index data
  3. Use polybase for profile system
  4. Use apecoin for DAO
  5. Use push protocol for chat system
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