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RGO Social Impact

Insurance that is Healing Lives & Helping Survivors of Gun Violence

RGO Social Impact

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ Superfluid โ€” Pool Prize

๐Ÿ†™ Tatum โ€” Up and Coming

Project Description

While on the plan ride over I watched the news and just got sick of how many mass shooting we have in the US. It seems like government agencies are not doing anything about it except to talk about how bad it is. I built this app to help survivors of gun violence heal after tragedy. I constantly hear that we have more guns than people in the US so like car insurance or house insurance if we insured every gun and pooled that money we would be able to support both preventative and post incident care. Imagine a world where "responsible gun owners" have to put money up to insure their guns against them being used in a crime. This would give them a cash incentive to do the things survivors of tragedy want: keep their guns out of the hands of people who would use them. The most important aspect though is that the gun owner does not receive the payout; similar to life insurance. The payout goes to the survivors of gun violence whenever an incident occurs (police report, criminal conviction, or civil judgement). This may not solve the entire issue, but it's a giant leap forward to help heal our communities of the gun crimes we have become unfortunately all too used to.

How it's Made

Base stack: Create react app, tailwindcss, truffle and ganache to test and deploy. The app is deployed on the POLYGON Blockchain. I used PRIVY to create user profiles, insurance applications, and message between insurance policy owners and admins Information is sacrosanct, so PRIVY allows us to store info while users retain their own privacy. CHAINLINK KEEPERS for automating contracts on POLYGON to ensure our contracts meet quality standards as technology improves. I wanted to use SUPERFLUID to handle monthly premium payments through money streaming and to Distribute Payout claims to multiple addresses through tweaking the StreamSwapDistribute.sol and StreamInDistributeOut.sol contracts. IPFS to store the NFT image that RGO Insurance buyers will have. TATUM to create NFTs for each RGO insurance holder to display that they are responsible owners of the firearms and giving back to survivors of gun violence. IPFS and Tatum were a match for easy distribution at extremely low cost. After writing that all out, i am most impressed that i did that in a day and a half by myself. This to me shows the promise of the Web3 community because I just got into developing in Web3 this year. Also, I broke my app on Saturday afternoon and spent several hours debugging. That was very stressful but i am glad to have the community here to help me through it. not fun.

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