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Reand is a decentralized protocol for connecting different NFTs with each other


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

・Market condition and Problem that we solve; In NFT area, there are lots of the derivative works for NFT collection. On the other hands, NFT collections have problem that is the management of derivative works like banning the scam NFT, the copyright of NFT, and revenue distribution. Also, NFT holders have problem to judge whether the derivative works are official or scam. In this hackathon, we focus on NFT holder's problem

・Solution for them;(MVP level: we deployed) connecting NFT collection with derivative works selected by collections.

・future vision; we become from a decentralized NFT connecting protocol to a decentralized NFT relation protocol and try to solve NFT collection's problems.

How it's Made

the point we are proud of ・Connecting different NFT with each other is very unique and has a lot of potential to build new protocols and products.

What we used for coding ・Frontend:As a Framework, we use Next.js in typescript which based on React. For styling we used Chakra UI.For wallet connect we used Rainbow kit. For verification we used Firebase Auth. For connecting to blockchain, we used QuickNode and Alchemy. As a blockchain, we chose Polygon(mumbai). For account verifycation we used Worldcoin ・Backend:Node.js, Typescript ・smartcontract:mainly we used Solidity. In the case of deploy and build, we used hardhat for development tools

Sponsor technologies that we used ・WORLDCOIN:Using WORLD ID Proof of Personhood, we verify users and prevent product, user and NFT from bot and scam. ・QuickNode:Using QuickNode's NFT API , we could get the NFT data that user hold easily and rapidly. ・Polygon:Using Polygon, we try to verify users and prevent product, user and NFT from bot and scam. Also we used Polygon as a blockchain for building the fundamental of verification.

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