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Verifiable marketing campaign tool that helps brands with their advertisement spend by targeting verified humans and direct messaging to users.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize

🔟 WalletConnect — Top 10

Project Description

Issues with Ad Spend Today: Brands need to trust marketplaces, they waste money targeting bots, and the rules for filtering audience demographics are opaque. We believe we can increase conversion and reach for brands by offering a way for them to target verified humans, and directly engage with users based on data both on-chain and off-chain. In today's world, marketplaces like Facebook have opaque algorithms for ad spend meanwhile places like X are notoriously filled with bots. With Reach, we believe that we can help brands reach verified humans directly with notifications to mobile devices.


How it's Made

We have two personas in mind when building Reach: Jen the onchain user and Brian the Brand manager. Brian is able to access a portal written in NextJS and login using WalletConnect's Web3Modal. After Brian logs in, his account is sent to WalletConnect's managed key servers that are part of the WalletConnect Chat API. When Brian is ready, he can start an ad campaign where he filters his message to verified humans using WalletConnect's proof of personhood. He publishes a message to a list of participating dapps via WalletConnect's Chat API. The Dapp is able to receive the message and then pushes the branded message to Jen and all of its users via WalletConnect Web3Inbox.

Aside from the portal, we built a demonstration on Base using Worldcoin's World ID and World ID Router to demonstrate proof of personhood. Users that interact with that dapp can provide a proof that is verified against the Worldcoin ID Router smart contract. On a successful verification, the dapp must emit an event so that Reach can target real humans with its campaigns. Our example dapp demonstration is deployed on Base Goerli with a frontend written in NextJS. Users can login to the Dapp and see branded messages delivered from Reach.

Both frontend services are deployed using Vercel.

A couple excellent tools helped us along the way: Quicknode and Foundry.

The Discord Channels for Worldcoin and WalletConnect were incredibly helpful!


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