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RateChain is web3 tool which will help developers/traders to help rate any contract anonymously . By which any other person can verify its rating before interacting with the contract


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Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

RateChain is web3 tool which will help developers/traders to help rate any contract anonymously . By which any other person can verify its rating before interacting with the contract User can also see histroical Data like Price,Total holders and recent txn time using Covalent Api

How it's Made

So all contracts are deployed on Op-goerli network . We used WorldId to prevent from sybil or bot attack also to verify user . Then this data is been attest with my custom made schema on EAS(op goerli chain) . Using theGraph subgraph to fetch data regarding the rating from EAS . And for other Data(price ,holders , txn time) I use covalent API

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