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Qsocial is a social media dapp for short form videos using LivePeer and Polygon


Created At


Winner of

🏅 Polygon — Best use of Polygon

Project Description

This project helps content creators to own their user profiles, data and monetize the data using social graph and bloackchains. It combines ethers JS and metamask for Web3 identification. Also, the project allows users and content creators to post short form videos using the LiverPeer platform for transcoding and uploading contents to IPFS before storing the hash on the polygon blockchain.

How it's Made

LivePeer - For video transcoding and storing video posts on the IPFS. Polygon blockchain and smart contracts for storing metadata json hashes and user profiles. Web3, Ethers JS and metamask for user management and identification. The Qsocial platform for short or long video is used by content creators to earn rewards on their videos via donations from users watching the videos. It is creator and community-driven for uploading, streaming, and watching video contents on the web.

The earning potential incentivize the creators to add more contents to the platform.

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