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We are building a supply chain management system for Web3. This would bring a lot of advantages overs SCM's in web2. With ZK's involvement It will be cherry on cake. Providing more transparency and trust without revealing crucial Information.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🔟 Push Protocol — Top 10

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

The project will leverage blockchain technology to create a tamper-proof, decentralized ledger that tracks every step of the supply chain, from raw material sourcing to production, distribution, and retail. Each product will be assigned a unique identifier that can be traced back to its origin, allowing users to verify its authenticity and ensure that it has not been tampered with or counterfeited. The platform will also incorporate smart contracts to automate supply chain operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, while maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the process. By providing consumers with a reliable and transparent supply chain, the project aims to improve trust and confidence in the products they purchase, while also reducing waste, fraud, and environmental impact.

How it's Made

This project uses React and other JS libraries for the frontend and in the backend we have use solidity smart Contracts deployed on Scroll and Polygon-Mumbai Blockchain for storing and fetching the events. We have created subgraphs using The Graph for querying the data in a faster pace and for indexing the events emitted from the contract. we have used Hardhat for working with smart contracts. we have used Push protocol for sending the notification and providing chat feature

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