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Enhancing patient autonomy using web 3.0 in the healthcare system


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

Project Description

Protecc leverages threshold encryption to securely encrypt and store electronic health records(EHR). Patients authenticate with their private key and onboard their health data and basic credentials on Protecc. The platform encrypts and stores these records on-chain in a mutable SQL table format. No one can snoop or modify these encrypted records except for the owner of the EHR. The platform also brings together a network of patients and doctors to setup consultations through a secure, wallet-to-wallet messaging channel. Appointments are set in the dapp and recorded on-chain for doctors to pick suitable time slots. Post consultation, doctors can upload case data via the patient's messaging channel. These cases will be permanently appended to the patient's EHR. Patients always have the exclusive access to grant or revoke view/edit permission to their EHRs from doctors and hospitals. Protecc has been designed for complete privacy and ownership.

How it's Made

Protecc uses nextjs for the frontend dapp. We employ a range of popular npm packages like rainbowkit, wagmi and SIWE (Spruce) to make the authentication workflow as smooth as possible. Protecc interfaces with Lit Protocol to bring threshold encryption and in a never before seen manner: it is combined with public, open-access Tableland tables. It brings out the best of ownership, mutability and privacy which is much required for storing health records. We encrypted patient records before storing them on tableland alongwith their public keys. For decryption, only the address which inserted these records in the first place (the patient) will be able to decrypt it back to plaintext with their Lit signing keys. Complete privacy on a public blockchain, with all the benefits of decentralization! Polygon has made the transactions fast and cheap to store EHRs. While xmtp allows for secure messaging between the patient and doctor which is a huge boon. Although half the team were very young (college freshers), they put in a lot of effort to design and build this dapp. It was an interesting learning experience for all of us.

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