Trustless, zero knowledge, Soul bound token(SBT) based Professional Credentials Validated Resume
We make multiple claims in our resumes about various aspects. How does one verify it? The verification process is long and arduous. And still, there is scope for fraudulence and forgery. Simple Experiment Done:- Spoke to many different people, each time telling different things about my profession, college education, and companies I worked for. And guess what, they all believed it, because they had to, since the verification process is so long and tiresome.
The creation of SBT was the major challenge. Since it launches in early 2022, there is no ERC or standard for SBT. There are many works in progress EIP's like
There are a lot of functional differences.
The major functionality we want for any SBT is its non-transferable property. So, we used ERC-721 (NFT) and overriding the transfer function.