Using Drand Timelock, StorSwift ZK-KYC, and Subgraphs technologies, Power Voting ensures that voting is both fair and private.
Power voting ensures that no one's voting results are accessible to others before the deadline, preserving the integrity of each participant's decision from external influence.
Once the deadline has passed, anyone is eligible to participate in the decentralized vote-counting process. The results will be automatically executed and securely stored through smart contracts, impervious to manipulation by any centralized entity or individual.
Users generate a DID compliant with the UCAN standard using ZKKYC, which includes voting weight and roles in the DID. Users then link this DID to their wallet and interact with the voting contract
How it's Made
Generate a DID compliant with the UCAN specification using ZK-KYC, including voting weights and roles.
Record DIDs specifying voting weights and roles using an allow-list mechanism.
Securely encrypt voting data with Drand's Timelock to ensure that it remains confidential until the end of the voting period.
Continuously monitor contract events using The Graph.
Store proposal content on IPFS, with the proposal CID to optimize contract costs.