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A decentralized and transparent platform for fair product lotteries, featuring physical items on the blockchain. Powered by Web3, Polygon ID, Chainlink VRF, and smart contracts. #blockchain #lottery #fairness #physicalproducts


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of

🆔 Polygon — Best use of Polygon ID

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our project is a decentralized platform that offers a fair and transparent solution for product lotteries. What makes our platform unique is that it features physical items that are tracked and verified on the blockchain. Merchants who wish to list their products on our platform must go through a verification process using Polygon ID to receive a Verifiable Credential. Once verified, they can use the platform to host a lottery for their product. Buyers can then participate in the lottery by paying with cryptocurrency. The winner is selected using Chainlink VRF, which is a secure and tamper-proof random number generator. When the lottery is over, the winner can claim their prize by signing the transaction with their wallet to ensure they have received the item before the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.

Our platform is powered by Web3, which is a set of protocols and tools for building decentralized applications. We used Polygon ID to verify merchants and ensure the authenticity of their products. Chainlink VRF was used for the random selection of winners in our lotteries. Smart contracts are used to manage the flow of products, transactions, and lottery results, ensuring the entire process is transparent and secure.

In addition, we believe that our platform offers a more sustainable solution for product lotteries. By leveraging the blockchain to track and verify physical items, we can reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of lotteries. Overall, our platform offers a unique and innovative solution to the problem of unfair product lotteries, and we are proud of what we have accomplished so far.

How it's Made

Our platform is built using a combination of Web3, Polygon ID, Chainlink VRF, and smart contracts. We used the Polygon network for its low gas fees and fast transactions. To ensure the authenticity of products, we used Polygon ID to generate Verifiable Credentials that are required for merchants to list their products on the platform. We leveraged Chainlink VRF to ensure the selection of winners in our lotteries is random and tamper-proof. Our smart contracts are used to manage the flow of products, transactions, and lottery results, ensuring the entire process is transparent and secure. As for hacky solutions, we used a clever mapping algorithm to ensure that the random numbers generated by Chainlink VRF are mapped to the remaining prizes in a fair and efficient way. Overall, we are proud of the platform we have built, and we believe it offers a unique and innovative solution to the problem of unfair product lotteries.

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