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Subscription Payment Program to support ReFi for Community Conservation in LATAM


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🌠 Superfluid — Best NFT Hack

Project Description

Subscription payment program to support ReFi for Community Conservation in LATAM. We aim to create subscription payment flows using SuperFluid with callback mint and burn functions that will allow for memberships to eco-cultural experiences with NFTs with real blockchain standing according to payment timestamp completion.

How it's Made

It is made with the support of local communities in the Andean and Amazon region and web3 technologies. The collection of NFTs is made with DALLE2 AI image generation and some open source pictures that help reinforcing the algorythm. The web3 technologies used are Polygon, which is connected to its wallet, Wallet Connect which was installed for its usage in our ecosystem as well. And finally we added metamask and Eth Foundation as our sponsors, since they are the cornerstones of the payments of the plataform.

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