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Reward fans for listening to music with valuable utility tokens.


Created At


Winner of

🌿 Lens Protocol — API Bounty

Project Description

Create a platform in which musicians can make drops of their music and the fans can listen to them and be rewarded with tokens that they can exchange for NFTs with different utilities like meet and greets, special merch, backstage, front row, special prices for tickets.

Promote co - listenings to get additional rewards, the larger the group the bigger the reward.

People can also become curators by paying artists to repost their sounds on their personal profiles and if other users listen to the tracks from their profile they also earn play tokens.

You can comment on the artist's posts if you pay the artist.

How it's Made

We are planning to use the Lens protocol to create profile NFTs and play NFTs every time a song is played on our platform. We also want to include Worldcoin to avoid bots getting infinite plays and Wallet Connect to make the interactions with the user's wallets more secure on our project.

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