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🎥 Unlock your creativity and earning potential with Peerplay! Monetize from day 1 with token-gated videos and live streams support. It also supports chat and 1-on-1 video calls, empowering creators like never before. 🚀


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

2️⃣0️⃣ Push Protocol — Top 20

Project Description

The Problem with centralized platforms

  1. Lack of Immediate Monetization: On platforms like Youtube, content creators often face significant barriers to monetization. They are required to meet certain eligibility criteria, reach specific follower counts, or rely on ad revenue, which can take a substantial amount of time to materialize. This delay restricts creators' ability to earn income from their content.
  2. Limited Support Options: While centralized platforms offer basic means for users to support creators through likes, comments, and shares, there are limited avenues for direct financial support.
  3. Lack of Personalized Interaction: Platforms generally provide limited opportunities for creators to engage with their loyal followers on a personal level. Fans often have to search for their favourite creator on multiple platforms to connect with them.

What is Peerplay

  1. On Peerplay, creators can monetize their content right from the start. Through token gated video support, viewers are required to mint an NFT to access the video. This enables creators to earn income from day one without any arbitrary eligibility requirements or delays.
  2. Loyal followers on Peerplay can show their support by sending ETH directly to creators. This provides a direct and transparent means for fans to contribute financially, fostering a stronger creator-follower relationship and incentivizing creators to produce high-quality content.
  3. Supporters enjoy special perks for backing their favorite creators. They gain privileged access to have direct 1-to-1 chats or video calls with the creators, fostering a more interactive experience. Additionally, supporters receive a share of the revenue generated by the creator through video NFT mints.

How it's Made

In building Peerplay, I have utilized several technologies to ensure a seamless and decentralized experience for creators and supporters. Here's a detailed breakdown of the technologies used and how they are pieced together:

  • Livepeer: I have used Livepeer for video streaming and storage to ensure a reliable and decentralized solution for delivering video content to users.

  • I have utilized to store video data on IPFS.

  • Push Protocol: I have used the Push Protocol for implementing chat functionality, one-on-one video call functionality, and real-time notifications, ensuring efficient and reliable communication between users.

  • Polygon Mumbai Testnet: I have deployed the smart contract on the Polygon blockchain, which provides a decentralized and trustless environment for maintaining the platform's state. This ensures transparency and decentralization of the platform, as well as a tamper-proof environment for users.

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