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Pasteis de Web3

Pasteis a decentralized hackathon platform aims to make the hackathon experience more transparent and inclusive by having better features such as prize distribution and team-building.

Pasteis de Web3

Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

Project Description

Pasteis is a decentralized platform for hosting and participating in hackathons that leverages blockchain for a flawless experience. Pasteis improves transparency in the payment and voting mechanisms of a hackathon. Not only does it promote trust, but also automatizes the process and allows for a validated process to take part in the selection process.

Anyone can create hackathons and instantly deploy a contract for each hackathon with prize selection, voting and project submission. Other users can submit their project and finally vote for the best one. Then, the winner gets assigned the prize.

We also plan on improving the system to allow for better cooperation tools and bonding features, such as finding teams.

How it's Made

We use React for developing our user interface. We store our data on Filecoin and IPFS, and make use of Tableland for performing queries over the data. We deploy our contracts on the Polygon, which allows for fast transactions to occur.

We found tableland to be great since we don't have to setup any backend server, as it allows for a complete replacement of any database logic. Polygon, as usual, proved to be very helpful in terms of ease of deploying.

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