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Custom oracle adapter contracts for the Hashi EVM Header Oracle Aggregator


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

๐Ÿ”ด Optimism โ€” Just Deploy!

๐ŸŒ‰ Gnosis Chain โ€” Best Project on Hashi

Project Description

Hashi is an EVM Header Oracle Aggregator, designed to facilitate a principled approach to cross-chain bridge security. Our project introduces additional custom oracle adapters for Hashi on Gnosis. We are building adapters using the Telepathy and Hyperlane inter-chain messaging protocols. It builds on the existing set of adapters of Hashi. It can be used to query block headers for blocks on a given chain (like Optimism), from the adapter contract existing on a different chain (example Gnosis chain).

How it's Made

We forked the Hashi repository on GitHub. We are creating additional smart contracts for the adapters we plan to introduce. Smart contracts have been developed with Solidity and the Hardhat development framework. We are also making use of Hyperlane and Telepathy bridges in order to create adapters and HeaderReporters. We did the demo by reporting the block header on Optimism chain to the adapter contract on Gnosis chain.

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