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A productivity dapp that will help users to have more conscious life. Increase concentration during work times or help relax more effectively by incentivizing users using awards such as completion NFTs or native tokens.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ IPFS & Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

A productivity dapp that will help users to have more conscious life. Increase concentration during work times or help relax more effectively by incentivizing users using awards such as completion NFTs and reward from stake in native tokens. Users enter a website, connect MetaMask and choose a challenge of their choice. They stake a set amount of native tokens (COUNs) at 10% APY for amount of time that is set for every challenge. To start a specific task (meditation) they click a button start, users have to do this task for a specific amount of time (10 min). By completion of the task, users click stop button but if they click too early or too late - staked amount wouldn’t be returned, however if they do manage to complete at specific time limits- congrats! They receive a non-transferable NFT that is specific to challenge they completed.

How it's Made

We used next.js to create frontend, communicated with ipfs using API. To interact with smart contracts we've used ethersjs. Valist to distribute our software and EPNS to send notifications about challenges to user. Made a different smart contract for every challenge, that was pretty tough.

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