Innovative omnichain loan reporting and attesting service. It leverages proof of humanity and attestations for uncollaterized lenders to solve multi-lending problem in this open world of blockchain.
Uncollateralized lending is a growing narrative in crypto. This project aims to be a fully cross-chain solution and solve at least 2 problems:
Core: The main smart contract is OmnichainLoanAttester which provides loan reporting and attesting (EAS) capabilities cross-chain with the help of LayerZero messaging. UncollateralizedLenderSample is written for testing and demonstration purposes, but still provide good insight into how lender might look like.
App: Next.js app is based on an awesome scaffold-eth-2 template, but adds specific functionality for Worldcoin anonymous actions integration (both on the frontend and backend) + Covalent integration on the backend to check Loans on multiple blockchains. Plus other libraries like daisyui and clsx for better UX.
Multichain: Smart contracts are deployed to the following chains: Optimism Mainnet Base Mainnet Base testnet Sepolia Optimism Goerli Zora testnet Mode testnet
Chains are connected through LayerZero (where it operates). Development and deployment are done with Hardhat<3