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Shielded NFT purchases and sales by leveraging Aztec Connect


Created At


Winner of

🥉 Aztec — Best Use

Project Description

By build an Aztec Connect bridge that integrates with SudoSwap, NoDarPapaya allows users to purchase and sale NFTs while protecting the history of their NFT shenanigans. By allowing both purchases and sales, the only thing that others will see in etherscan is money going in and out of the aztec connect bridge.

How it's Made

This projects uses Aztec, specifically Aztec Connect to shield NFT purchases and sales on SudoSwap. When a user purchases an NFT through the bridge, Aztec will issue a virtual note that represents ownership of the NFT inside of the Aztec rollup, a user can then withrdraw from the rollup to another address, or sale their NFT without leaving the bridge, essentially shielding their NFT trade history.

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