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LiveNFT - a live streaming social commerce app for NFTs. Users can live stream their NFT collections and get bids all in one app.


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

✨ WalletConnect — Best Social

🥉 Livepeer — Best Use

Project Description

The project allows people to connect their wallets and start live streams about their NFTs. A live stream is composed of a viewers face and NFTs they have picked. Through out the duration of the live stream, the streamer can pick different NFTs in their collection to show to viewers. Viewers can bid on these NFTs through opensea or buy them if the streamer has put them up for sale.

How it's Made

We use live peers live streaming APIs to setup the life stream. We also use opensea's api to query for a wallet's NFTs, create listings, and create offers. Walletconnect is used to obtain the users wallet information. The app is built using react native and supabase (for exchanging NFT metadata).

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