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NFT Collection Creator Platform. NFTC leverages Tablelands new NFTs structure based on SQL Tables and IPFS content addressed Files. It also make use of OpenZeppelin TransparentUpgradableProxy Pattern to deploy NFTContracts with only one Transaction.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

3️⃣5️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Storage Mage

Project Description

Our project combines our SmartContract logic to clone Different kind of implementation Contracts using the Transparent UpgradableProxy Pattern the address of the proxy is : 0xd8Ad6001551Ced68c536De41F18C575185d49738 and is easily viewed on Polygon Mumbai Scan as it is Verified! Our Proxy redirects calls to our Factory contract NFTC to construct our Implementations . Until now for the Hackathon we initiated our TableCollection contract which can be also viewed on polyscan at the address : 0x1196978D2861B5947970F29C816CE82958759f27 . The Proxy pattern give the power to Artists to create NFT Collections with one transaction. NFTC provides the Services that every artists needs to create their contract and after that upload their NFTs images and the corresponding metadata. Our platform takes the Collection data and transforms them to Content Addressed Data using NFT.STORAGE that leverages IPFS & FILECOIN to persist the data onChain, after that we ask in an automated manner the artist to mint their Tableland tables and insert the Cids and the metadata into the tables owned by the artist . The best part comes at the native TABLELAND Integration inside the TableCollection Cloned SmartContract using SQL Queries inside the contract to respond with the Token Uris of each Token. In the future we have plans to brainstorm for new Utilities using Tablelands SQL Tables and also looking for a platform where artists will monetize their collections from a user friendly UI . We believe that IPFS & FILECOIN besides Polygon and Tablelands Tables with EVM Access Controlled permissions can bring the light to the Metaverse vision ! Finally we are looking for tech to make our platform more resilient using chainSafe multi sign and also a DAO for community decisions chainlink adapters and keepers to automate our DAO and we are looking forward to run our owned Tableland Validators !!!

How it's Made

We are using @tablelad @ipfs @filecoin through @polygon for the contracts and also the Mumbai scan API to fetch internal transactions! We used react for the UI and WEB3.JS for the contract interactions . We also provided a section for interested collectors to mint the created collections .

Everything else is described in the long description form.

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