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Next-gen RPC node

Load-balanced RPC node utilizing Cloudflare infrastructure. That gives web3 developer an endpoint that always available and provide better peformance.

Next-gen RPC node

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

IPFS & Filecoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

The solution is applicable for Ethereum, Polygon, Scroll, Gnosis Chain, Mina, Arbitrum, zkSync, Filecoin EVM, Near’s Aurora EVM, Starknet, Mantle, Base, Neon EVM, Aztec and other EVM-compatible chains.

The public RPC nodes offered by protocols are confined to their infrastructure, resulting in decreased uptime, heightened latency, and the absence of customizable logic for an RPC endpoint.

Imagine a service that can aggregate multiple RPC endpoints from various providers, geographical regions, and cloud services to:

  1. Verify if a node is operational and accessible.
  2. Confirm if a node possesses the latest block height.

Based on these criteria, the service would intelligently reroute to the optimal node. Additionally, for the selected node, our service would:

  1. Apply access-list capabilities to whitelist IP addresses or HTTP Referrer origin values.
  2. Implement custom rate-limiting and throttling parameters.

This comprehensive service would significantly enhance:

  1. RPC node availability
  2. Assurance of the latest chain data on the node.
  3. Prevention of node congestion, ensuring adequate resources for RPC traffic.

Introducing Next-gen RPC node, a ready-to-go, open-source service available for everyone. It proves beneficial for every DApp project, across any EVM-compatible chain, providing an unparalleled user experience for web3 developers.

How it's Made

The project is based on Cloudflare Workers (, using Cloudflare KV Storage plugin and Cloudflare Caching API.

The Cloudflare workers are written in Typescript. The RPC nodes are running in Chainstack.

In Github repo there is an architecture diagram that show how these pieces combined together.

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