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NFT-BASED RUNNING REWARDS FOR GOOD 🏃‍♂️🌍 Earn eco-friendly NFTs for your runs, supporting health, environment, and social causes. Join us in shaping the future of marathon running 🌱


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Introduction: Welcome to NET42, where each step you take isn't just for your health but also for a brighter tomorrow. Our mission? To instill purpose and passion into running, powered by NFTs and the endless possibilities of Web 3.0 technology.

Problem Statement: In the fitness world, motivation, engagement, and sustainability are in high demand. Existing running apps lack the incentives and community spirit needed to address environmental concerns and social causes. Traditional marathons come with high costs and environmental waste. Runners are eager to contribute beyond personal health and make a positive impact.

Our Solution: We're building a platform where running benefits personal health, the environment, and social causes. How? Through unique, eco-friendly digital NFTs awarded for your runs. Run guilt-free, support social causes, and make your miles matter with NET42.

Key Features:

  • NFT-Based Rewards: We create digital medals as NFTs to celebrate your fitness achievements.
  • Charity Impact: Minted NFTs measure success in social causes campaigns, fueling charitable initiatives.
  • Smart Contracts: Utilizing Web3 technology, we automate secure NFT rewards and donations.
  • App Integration: NET42 seamlessly syncs with your preferred fitness apps, keeping you on track and purposeful. -Community Hub: Connect with fellow runners, sharing experiences, achievements, and charitable contributions.

Conclusion: NET42 envisions a world where every run counts, not just for personal health but for the betterment of society. We're turning running goals into environmental and social causes through NFTs, inspiring people to run with a purpose. Join us as we embark on this exciting adventure. Together, we'll make each stride matter for a healthier planet and a more compassionate world.

How it's Made

We use React for the front end to manage state and logic with Redux for the front end. TypeScript is especially helpful for managing types while programming, particularly for DApps that require high security and precision.

We deploy contracts on Scroll, where the NFTs contract contains medals and is immune to abuse due to proof checks. You can find the contract here:

We researched how to implement a data verification process for data coming into the DApp. For a hackathon, we used data from Strava to allow users to test the app and participate in the experience quickly.

Additionally, with Safe{core} AA and Web3Auth, we help users access the platform, whether they are familiar with web3 or not.

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