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Mobile PayLinks

Mobile PayLinks is a native mobile app that lets you send crypto tokens to your friends with just a simple link

Mobile PayLinks

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🔟 WalletConnect — Top 10

🏊 Neon EVM — Pool Prize

Project Description

We're enabling mobile crypto adoption :)

Mobile PayLinks is a native mobile app that lets you send crypto tokens to your friends with just a simple link. This means sending your contacts on telegram a simple link that contains crypto inside - fully decentralized and non-custodial.

With the react-native app you can now create PayLinks in 8 different chains: celo, mantle, fvm, zetachain, neon, gnosis, zksync, polygonzkevm

Never ask your friends about their wallet addresses again! Just send a link

How it's Made

There's various components to this project:

  • React Native app: This is the core and heavy lifting of the project, a mobile app
  • an SDK: this is to encapsulate JS code to interact with the Smart Contracts and support the necessary cryptographic operations
  • a set of smart contracts and tests: using foundry, of course

The SDK and Smart contract is partially transferred from non-hackathon work, but have both been modified to a significant degree. The bulk of the work is in the react-native app, which is completely from scratch. Have communicated with kartik & organizers and gotten written confirmation about the code reuse on SDK & contracts.

Additional useful files for reference:

background image mobile

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