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Web page to mobilize actions in favor of the planet, people and animals with crypto rewards.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Humans usually get money at the expense of the planet, people, and animals. Here we use money in favor of them and thanks to crypto we can empower people to promote and execute small actions to help others. Anyone can make a mission here, you just need to define what action you want to foster, how much you will reward, and how many people max. Once the mission is published, people can join the mission, do it, post their evidence, and get rewarded.

How it's Made

This project uses Metamask wallet to retrieve the credentials of the Sender using JS in the FrontEnd and in the Backend we used express js as the server. We deployed the contract on the Polygon Mumbai testnet as well as in the RSK testnet.

When a user Funds a Mission the front end takes the input parameters and sends them as a call to the ABI to the Missions Contract after that a User can participate uploading an image as evidence (currently the image validation is not implemented is just a simulation) and then it will receive the reward stated on the contract for that Mission in particular.

We also used ENS for the domain missions4good.eth and also added an Avatar for the domain.

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