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MirrorX using Superfluid streaming money service to let users support their favorite writers continuously.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

Mirror Comparison:

  • write articles with better UX then mirror.
  • subscribe writers by streaming money instead of one-time reward.
  • support read more articles (while Mirror does not support it).
  • drawback is needing to find a way to store user content decentralized and safely.
  • and more...

How it's Made

  • This project is bootstrapped by Nextjs
  • using Rainbow Kit to let user connect their web3 wallet, and only support Goerli and Optimism network
  • the write down feature is implemented using Slatejs.
  • the subscription feature will not be implemented without Superfluid service.
  • Solo project by myself.
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