Meta Jungle is metaverse open world game, where user can play, challenge each other, visit other user's virtual world and talk.
Meta Jungle Meta Jungle is metaverse open world game, where user can play, challenge each other, Buy NFT from in-game coins and create virtual world, they can also visit other user's virtual world. So now in-app items and achievements are not only statistic but it be used in game to create your own virtual world.
This project uses Unity Game Engine which is best to develop game with knowledge of c#, Meta Mask wallet, IPFS and Filecoin used with NFT.Storage , Polygon Matic (Mumbai TestNet), ERC 1155 Contract, Covalent used to load user NFT balance and NFT metadata, Moralis is used for database storage and other backend communication management. Leantwean is used for internal UI animations.