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Mephisto is a trustless deadman's switch for private key transmission via xmtp to provide automatic inheritance of assets to beneficiaries or recovery of a lost wallet to a backup address.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

Project Description

The user enrolls their private key to be released in the case of prolonged inactivity and a beneficiary/backup address for the key to be released to. This project uses interaction with a smart contract as a proof of life. The beneficiary can poll the smart contract, which will emit an event in the case of prolonged inactivity. The event triggers a listener which sends the private key securely via xmtp to the beneficiary.

How it's Made

This project uses a smart contract deployed on Optimism to orchestrate proof of activity. Xmtp is used for private secure messaging between two addresses. The xmtp cli was used for both front- and back-end functionality. Ethers.js is used to interact with the wallets and optimism network.

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