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MegaMask Protocol addressing the inconvenience of manually sharing wallet addresses and the complications arising from unlinked payments and invoices, MegaMask provides an intuitive platform for users.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

MegaMask is a platform.Connecting Wallets: We're leveraging @Cometh Biometry & Account Abstraction as a Service to empower users to establish wallets seamlessly, eliminating the requirement to remember a seed phrase. Furthermore, we're integrating the @Safe Auth Kit, enabling users to create wallets effortlessly by linking them to their social accounts. For cross-chain interoperability, we're utilizing @Wormhole and @Hyperlane. Meanwhile, @Filecoin serves as the primary storage solution for our product inventory and invoices. Our smart contracts are deployed on @Scroll, @Polygon, and @Mantle Testnet for robust functionality across various platforms.

User Flow: Imagine a demo scenario where there are 2 users. Ben would be the service provider, and Yudhi would be the payer.

When Ben wants to charge Yudhi after the completion of a job, Ben can connect/make his Account Abstracted wallet through Cometh or Safe and head to the create payment page. In this page, Ben has the option to add his services as inventories, which allows him to add them to the invoice later on. After creating the invoice, Ben can send the payment link and invoice to Yudhi.

On the payer (Yudhi) side, Yudhi can view the invoice and accept the link. He will be brought to the "payments" page where he can choose the crypto of his choice to transfer funds to Ben.

It is important to note that the sending of invoices and payments will work in the form of attestations. On the service provider side, attestations are made to verify that this is the invoice for the intended wallet address, while the client-side attest that they have accepted the invoice and that they will be performing the payment.

How it's Made

Connecting Wallets: We're leveraging @Cometh Biometry & Account Abstraction as a Service to empower users to establish wallets seamlessly, eliminating the requirement to remember a seed phrase. Furthermore, we're integrating the @Safe Auth Kit, enabling users to create wallets effortlessly by linking them to their social accounts.

For cross-chain interoperability, we're utilizing @Wormhole and @Hyperlane. Meanwhile, @Filecoin serves as the primary storage solution for our product inventory and invoices.

Our smart contracts are deployed on @Scroll, @Polygon, and @Mantle Testnet for robust functionality across various platforms.

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