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MedMate is a Web3 solution to manage medical records, consult with professionals, and book appointments with medical experts with different expertise all in one place.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

MedMate is a Web3 solution to manage medical records, consult with professionals, and book appointments with medical experts with different expertise all in one place. The main goal of MedMate is to strengthen our medical infrastructure by utilizing the power of web3. We are working on providing the best medical support to our users. We have implemented authentication using polybase auth. On the top level, MedMate is divided into two distinct product-facing sides, user-end, and doctor-end plus an additional admin side. If you are a doctor or a medical professional, your onboarding procedure will be to fill out a form with your basic details and qualification proof. Next, the application will be moved to the admin page. There it will be reviewed by the admin. Only the admin can sign the approval. Admins are delegated in the smart contract. Once approved by the admin the medical expert will be listed on book appointment page. We have deployed all the necessary smart contracts on the Scroll Alpha TestNet.

On the user end, after authenticating using polybase auth, the users are taken to the profile page, where their basic profile details and medical history will be asked to keep track of all the information of the patient for future reference. All this will be stored in polybase collection. Once the user is completely registered, they can consult and book an appointment with the specialists.

How it's Made

MedMate is an entirely decentralized one-stop solution for all medical queries. The front end of MedMate is made using react js and chakra UI. MediaMate makes use of 2 smart contracts - one smart is used to add doctors who wish to volunteer whereas the second smart contract is used to list all the interested doctors who wish to volunteer. Both the smart contracts are deployed on Scroll Aplha TestNet Contract address - Doctor.sol:- 0x0Df39c36E8e9b462F2672498054E129416a7093D CreateDoctor.sol:- 0x09d0907751601eb789078Fe14f184A53490811f0

The user onboarding is handled using Polybase social auth. Users can sign in to MedMate using their email id or metamask account. Once the user sign in, the user needs to complete a simple profile that comprises some basic personal details and medical history. The user profile data is stored in the Polybase collection and is then used to display the user profile. To complete the profile user needs to sign the transaction. The workflow to sign the transaction is also implemented using Polybase. Link to polybase collection -

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