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AI-driven connections and messaging for creatives built on XMTP and Airstack


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🛠️ ENS — Best Use of Thorin

🤝 Lens — Best Integrations

🏃 Airstack — Runner Ups

Project Description

Aspiring and experienced designers who want to test out their designs can now use MakerMeet to get one-on-one feedback from other professionals. This project connects designers and creatives with others who can provide transparent 1-on-1 feedback through secure messaging.

On MakerMeet, users first get started by connecting their wallet and ensuring that they have an account with XMTP. A key feature we offer is “Matchmaking”, where we use our custom match quiz and a recommendation system finding shared commonalities between designers. For experienced professionals, MakerMeet allows for constructive feedback free of bias from connections and allows aspiring creators to grow their network by pairing them with people that would have been difficult to find otherwise. Individuals with matching interests or complementary experience are placed together to help provide mentorship and mentoring opportunities.

Want to integrate your profile and messages across all platforms? Not to worry! XMTP has you covered. Between your Lens profile, ENS domain name, or Farcaster social profile, we’ll be able to search across all of your addresses. If others have an XMTP account, MakerMeet be able to find all the points in common between you and others and find your best match. If it’s not your ideal match, our application is able to regenerate a few searches within a certain timeframe. If users want more searches, they can pay a premium to unlock them sooner.

After meeting their match, a designer can start a chat with another person. These chats leverage the ability to draft back and forth and receive rich feedback with a single individual. Replies in chat, custom in-house reactions, and gifs provide a multitude of ways to respond to information. Unlimited storage capacity helps designers working with large image or video files. In addition, it is a seamless experience continuing the conversation elsewhere on another social messaging app with XMTP.

At MakerMeet, we believe in making the experience intuitive, painless, and meeting other interesting people in the design space fun. Built by creatives who want to get more out of meeting people, MakerMeet is the solution to chatting and sharing more easily in Web3 than ever before.

How it's Made

Core to our application is XMTP’s secure messaging system that serves as a web connecting to all other facets of a user’s Web3 social network. In addition, it supports unlimited sizes of data transfer, critical for designers working on high-quality images or videos. Interactions are made easy with message reply functionality, custom-curated reactions for feedback and encouragement, and file upload. The functionality is built on top of the React.js client that comprises of core components like the home page, matchmaking page, and user profile. As a fun bonus, users who do not have existing profile photos will have their images populated by Nouns DAO art.

One of the main features is the matchmaking system to connect creatives to others in their surrounding network. Our main tool to make this possible is the data exploration from Airstack. Airstack is enabled by wallets or accounts that already have XMTP. In one easy search, it identifies interesting points of overlap for creatives to connect with others across ENS domain names, Lens, and other Web3 social profiles. Airstack’s recommendation is paired with our custom matching quiz, where we loop over XMTP-enabled accounts with the right criteria to provide more information to users on whether they want to begin chatting. Matches are ranked on number of criteria overlap between the user and another profile, and the recommendation is given by the highest number of overlaps. If users are dissatisfied, they can choose to regenerate the match (find the next highest-ranked match) and find someone more suitable.

On the chat UI, much of the content is similar to the layout on an app like Converse or Lenster. In addition, we enrich information about the user’s design profile, areas of interest, and self-uploaded bio. Image or video files are able to be uploaded one at a time by the user, and replies and reactions make the process more engaging. At MakerMeet, we believe in making the experience intuitive, painless, and meeting other interesting people in the design space fun.

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