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We built an interoperable and permissionless loyalty system by deploying, populating and indexing a subgraph based on the polygon-mumbai lens protocol. To enable an exciting and secure UX, we integrated proof-of-personhood, a notification layer and oracle-based randomness.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🤝 Lens Protocol — Integration

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize

9️⃣ IPFS & Filecoin — Top 9

Project Description

Today’s loyalty systems ask for too much from us and give too little. High, privacy invading barriers to entry, and the most we can hope for is a discount on the 10th coffee. Loyalty programs are siloed, which drastically limits both the user and the business on how much value they can capture from the system. We lose all our stamp-cards and can’t be bothered to have a separate app for every store we visit.

Loyalthree is the future of loyalty systems, built around the pillars of transparency, accountability and interoperability. We coded the infrastructure and first application-layer use cases of an on-chain rewards system, trying to make loyalty more exciting, safe and positive-sum.

We define loyalty programs as Lens publications deployed by or on behalf of participating businesses. A user can join such a program by mirroring the publication. Each comment from the issuing business on the mirror version of their publication can be interpreted as a purchase, store visit, or any other activity that the business or anyone else wants to incentivize.

How it's Made

  • Any businesses can deploy their loyalty program through us, which consists of generating a lens profile and publication that represents the program.
  • Customers connect their wallet to our app, generate a Lens handle and get verified by WorldCoin to not have several participating identities at the same time.
  • Customers join the businesses’ loyalty program by mirroring their published loyalty post. Each engagement with the brand can easily be linked to this primitive (in our case with lens comments for store visits)
  • We have created our own subgraph that listens to emitted events and keeps track of the relationship in an transparent, censorship-resistant and efficient way.
  • We expose several API endpoints that make the engagement more seamless for both the user and business (e.g. by delegation, querying, transaction preparation etc.)
  • Through custom logic and integration with Push protocol, we can identify and notify special milestones or events (e.g. we could send a message with an NFT-based voucher after 5 store visits)
  • We go beyond making stamps digital but provide value to the business from our three custom queries built on Dune and fetched with their API that track user engagement and acquisition.
  • We also integrate a cross-chain oracle that enables us to access random numbers for larger loyalty promotions or prizes. People prefer a small chance at a big win than a big chance at a small win. We accustom that in a verifiable way

How it works

  • Any businesses can deploy their loyalty program through us, which consists of generating a lens profile, and publication that represents the program.
  • Customers connect their wallet to our app, generate a Lens handle and are verified by WorldCoin to prevent having several participating identities at the same time.
  • Customers join the businesses’ loyalty program by mirroring this published post. Each engagement with the brand can easily be linked to this primitive (with lens comments)
  • We have created our own subgraph that listens to emitted events and keeps track of these interactions.
  • Once they do so the business provides them with a “point” by commenting on the Lens post that the customer mirrored.
  • Once the desired number of points are reached (comments on the customer’s mirror), the customer receives a push notification from the business to notify them of the reward they’ve achieved.
  • For one off rewards that businesses raffle to a single unique user, they use our platform’s integration with Tellor to transparently choose a random number that is used to award a customer.
  • Businesses track their loyalty programs, engagement and rewards with data obtained from Dune’s API
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