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Lotto Loco

Lotto Loco is a classic lottery game played on the blockchain. It’s popular latino edition is similar to bingo, but it uses images from deck of cards instead of numbered ping pong balls. A new set of rules and strategies are brought through smart contracts and NFTs.

Lotto Loco

Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Lotto Loco is a classic lottery game played on the blockchain and based on the popular latino edition. It is similar to bingo, but using images on a deck of cards instead of numbered ping pong balls.

Lottery rules are widely known, however, the blockchain brings a whole new set of opportunities that allows the game to serve its purpose: Entertain and preserve cultural traditions that are representative of latino communities.

How? Allocating a percentage of the profits to foundations decided by the players and spreading this traditional game to web3 communities. Fundations that preserve traditions such as PACHA MOMA are preselected before each game.

Our main goals are aligned with the Ethereum Support Program (ESP) in different levels. Besides sharing our profits, a 30% share of our collection royalties and 20% of our NFTs supply is reserved to host dynamics with selected foundations in order to socially educate and represent latino communities through our solutions.

Rules Players are required to stake a definite amount of eth before each game.

Each player selects a board from the wide options presented to them. A board consists on a randomly created 4 x 4 grid of pictures from the playing deck. All boards are available for everyone regardless if the player holds a board NFT or not.

The playing deck is a set of 57 cards that includes The Barrel, The Star, The Cock, The Death and more.

The game starts at the fixed day and time.

The Caller randomly picks a card from the deck and sings (announces) it to the players. If the player holds that card in his board, it is automatically crossed out from the board.

One by one, the caller keeps picking a card from the deck until a player completely crosses all the cards in his board.

The winner or winners are awarded a Game Prize (60% of the amount wagered on the game).

Some perks and advantages are possible thanks to Lotto Loco’s NFTs.

How it's Made

The game consists in 3 smart contracts that interact between them and can give you some perks on the game. The Deck, The Boards, and the Caller. Smart contracts are deployed on the Polygon Blockchain for the scalability purposes and improvement of our gaming infrastructure.

The Deck - A set of 570 cards with 57 unque editions that are minted as NFTs. Benefit: If a player holds one or multiple NFTs they can instantly cross out that image from their board even if the caller hasn’t sing it. You can use up to 3 cards per game.

The Boards - A set of 1000 randomly created 4 x 4 grid of pictures cards. Benefit: Holder’s of the boards are awarded a Board Prize (10% of the amount wagered on each game) if their board wins. The holder does not have to play the game to qualify for the Board prize.

The Caller - A smart contract that triggers a game on a fixed date and time. Randomly picks cards from the playing deck and defines the winner or winners for each game. This is available via UMA Protocol and their OO. Each picked card is a question asked to the Oracle (Not finished).

Storing and sharing NFTs content and metadata was made posible through IPFS protocol. This allowed us to rely on the distributed storing network and for part of the giant peer-to-peer network.

Pools and Prizes

Game Prize - 60% of the amount wagered on each game. Board Prize - 10% of the amount wagered on each game. Foundation share - 15% of the amount wagered on each game. Lotto Loco share - 10% of the amount wagered on each game. Promotions share - 5% of the amount wagered on each game.


  1. Authentication

Thanks to Web3Auth, we were able to provide seamless user logins to both mainstream and native Web3 users. Typically, latino communities are not so used to web3 so Web3Auth was a major and important feature aligned with our dharma.

We were able to provide a broader experience by adding Wallet Connect to our Dapp. This meant secure authentication for n ative Web3 users who are used to connect with this communications protocol.

Our scalability plans suggest we may need to be a sybil resistant dapp on future developments. Bringing Worldcoin as a Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol enables us to deliver greater benefits to those who are authenticated through the protocol.

ENS helps us to resolve ENS names and show their avatars instead of just their wallets.

Thanks to ChainSafe, players can buy The Deck, and The Boards NFTs in-game embeddable NFT marketplace.

1 Selecting a board

You’re given several available options to select a board.

2 Choosing The Deck

If you hold The Deck NFTs, you can choose up to 3 cards to power up your game.

3 Entering the game

You’ll have to approve a transaction that stakes the fixed amount in ETH. This TX actually mints an NFT that represents your participation in the game.

4 Winner

Once the game is finished. The Dapp reveals if you’re a winner or not, and tells you which Board was the winner.

5 Claiming Prize (Not yet coded)

A page for winners with a button to claim the awarded prizes.

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