Uncollateralized accessible loans with 3 clicks, under 1 minute.
We use social media participation and WorldCoin (as proof of humanity) alongside connected wallet transaction history. By analyzing a wallet that is connected to a person's identity (Worldcoin) and/or social media account (twitter, lens or instagram) for specific criteria, we are able to run a risk model for uncollateralized loans - a web3 credit score. (And it's easy to use: just 3 clicks and 45 seconds.)
This project uses the Worldcoin and Lens APIs to allow users to validate their wallet address linked to a proven identity. We also use MATIC as loan currency - the project itself is deployed on the Polygon blockchain. Quicknode allows us to check token volume in the wallet so we can compile social data with wallet history (soon) and calculate the ideal loan and interest. Finally, 0x is used to swap the loan from Matic to other ERC20 tokens.