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Personal and Public notes creation, sharing and monetization using Lens Protocol


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥈 Lens Protocol — Fast Publishing

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ IPFS & Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

LensNote uses Lens Protocol on top of Polygon's eco-friendly blockchain to create a social network with other technologies like Web3.Storage, Lit Protocol, Tableland, Quicknode, and Valist to create and share personal notes which can be reacted, collected, and mirrored. Lens Protocol makes it easy to create a social network where users can create and share personal notes with everyone and also can monetize the notes users share on the platform.

How it's Made

The main feature of LensNote is to be able to create personal notes with configured access conditions and public notes and share them to monetize the notes.

It makes use of different sponsor technologies:

Polygon - Used Polygon Mumbai POS blockchain to create Lens based Social Network.

Lens Protocol - Used to build Notes sharing Social Network

Tableland - Used for storing private notes metadata and encrypted content. (IPFS & Filecoin) - Used for uploading images, encrypted content and notes metadata.

Valist - Decentralized deployment to IPFS

QuickNode - Used as RPC node

Spruce - Used for SIWE

This project uses Lens Protocol to create the social network on top of Polygon POS to create and share personal notes stored in the IPFS & Filecoin using Web3.Storage and also Tableland. Users can create personal notes encrypted by Lit Protocol which is protected and configured to be accessible applying the different access conditions. Users can directly create a note and publish it to the lens protocol configuring conditions for collect, mirror, and comment. Personal notes encrypted by Lit Protocol are stored on the IPFS & Filecoin with or Tableland based on the size of the note and the metadata for the personal note is stored on the tableland table. Personal notes can be updated and also published to the lens protocol whenever the user thinks it's ready to share. It uses Quicknode as an RPC provider to connect to the Polygon Mumbai blockchain. Valist is used to publish the static LensNote web app. LensNote uses Next.js for the front end and node.js for creating APIs to upload metadata of notes and images to be used on the note. It uses Rainbowkit with wagmi to connect the wallet and interact with the Polygon POS blockchain easily. LensNote feels complete using different sponsor technologies.

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