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Lens Dashboard

Lens Dashboard helps you to manage your social media journey

Lens Dashboard

Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Prize Pool

Project Description

It helps people to manage their lens profile more efficiently. By providing all the crucial informations like their profile stats , new followers and followings, recent notifications and publications. How many pending follower request they have, their NFTs collections, on chain Identity. You can even search any lens profile and know about them You can make post directly from your profile page . You can go live and make video and can share it with your lens friends.

How it's Made

The Lens Dashboard is created using features like decentralised social media , webrtc proof of personhood, creating all these things will require a lot of expertises and time but the most amazing thing about Lens Dashboard is that it is created using pure Java Script/ frontend. So all the Web3 tools used are integrated using apis, sdks and simple npm packages. Second challenge we faced was adding live stream we are using livepeer for the stream where generate hls medium file which is not supported on lens so for now we just create a simple post with follower with the stream link and if they want to see it then by coming to our website.

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