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Lens DAOscourse

We have built a DAO governance platform (Discourse-like) on top of the Lens protocol.

Lens DAOscourse

Created At


Winner of

🛠 Lens Protocol — Best DAO Tooling

Project Description

DAOscourse is a DAO Governance dApp leveraging the Lens protocol to create mechanisms to allow contributors to participate to the governance On-Chain and own their contributions. As a DAO you can create your own page, grow your audience, allow contributors to make proposals, discuss and vote. As a contributor you can create your profile, own your contributions and monitor the governance of your favorite DAOs.

How it's Made

The app uses the Lens protocol to create profiles, follow DAOs, create proposals, comments, share and collect proposals. We used React and Chakra UI to build the frontend. We are using Mumbai Testnet for the moment and soon Polygon. All the intensive part was to leverage what Lens has built so far for profiles creation, following profiles, create posts, comments, and so on.

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