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Karma Perks

At Karma Perks, we help community members gain on-chain recognition and rewards for their every contribution by providing a platform to crowdsource help and distribute rewards in the form of NFTs and crypto tokens.

Karma Perks

Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Problem: Should community rewards reach genuine contributors and not bots (Eg. Arbitrum airdrop)? Do you agree? Are open source code contributors, product testers, community ambassadors, event volunteers, or product reviewers getting rewarded for their time and effort? No? Is it because they've only made genuine "off-chain contributions," such as contributing to open source code or volunteering at an event, and haven't engaged in multiple dummy/valid transactions just to receive an airdrop?

Most of them only receive a "thank you" and occasionally a shoutout on social media. The current method of rewarding the community through airdrops, based on random on-chain transactions, is exploited by bots and bad actors with multiple wallets, which goes against the intention of rewarding genuine contributors to the network.

At KarmaPerks, we're committed to ensuring that off-chain contributions receive on-chain visibility, so that contributors can be rewarded for their Karma/Contributions and increase their on-chain reputation. How? By providing a platform for anyone to crowdsource the help they need for tech or non-tech tasks, and enabling contributors to gain real rewards in the form of KarmaPerk NFTs, Crypto token-based rewards, or task-based payment as a vote of thanks by the campaign creator who got their help.

How it's Made

  1. We have built Trustified by using 1) Celo 2) Genosis Chain 3) Polygon ZKevm 4) Chain all these->

World Coin is used to ensure proof of personhood. Push Protocol: To enable subscribers get notifications about campaigns created under a specific list of categories.

  1. Gasless transactions using Biconomy
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