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KalloView is a decentralized reviewing platform that utilizes blockchain technology to ensure authenticity, transparency and incentivize users for their contributions to make reliable and searchable reviews for businesses to improve their products and services.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

KalloView is a decentralized reviewing app that revolutionizes the way reviews are made by leveraging blockchain technology to ensure authenticity, transparency and incentivizing users for their contributions. Our platform allows users to make searchable, reliable and incentivized reviews, which helps businesses to improve their products and services. With KalloView, consumers can trust in the reviews they read and businesses can trust in the feedback they receive.

Background The rise of the internet has made it easy for people to access information about products and services, and reviews play a crucial role in this process. Consumers rely on reviews to make informed decisions about what to buy and where to go. However, the current review system is far from perfect. Reviews can be fake, biased, or manipulated, leading to mistrust among consumers. Reviewers are not rewarded for their contributions, and their efforts are not recognized.

The Solution KalloView addresses these issues by leveraging blockchain technology to ensure the authenticity and transparency of reviews. The platform is built on the Solana blockchain, which offers fast and low-cost transactions, making it ideal for a platform like KalloView.

Authenticity and Transparency of Reviews KalloView utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the authenticity and transparency of reviews. Each review is recorded on the blockchain, making it immutable and unchangeable. This ensures that reviews cannot be fake, biased, or manipulated. Additionally, reviews are organized into categories and are searchable, making it easy for consumers to find relevant and trustworthy reviews.

Incentivizing Users KalloView rewards users for their contributions in the form of Kallo Tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase products and services on the platform, pay for advertising and promotion, and be staked to generate more Kallo Tokens. This creates an incentive for users to contribute high-quality reviews and helps to build a community of engaged users.

Business Model KalloView will generate revenue through partnerships with businesses and through a commission on transactions made through the platform. Businesses can also purchase advertising and promotion on the platform to increase visibility of their products and services. As the platform grows and more transactions are made, the value of the Kallo Token will increase, providing potential returns for token holders.

Tokenomics Total supply: 10 billion Kallo Tokens Token distribution: 50% for sale, 30% for development and partnerships, 20% for team and advisors Token utility: Kallo Tokens can be used to purchase products and services on the platform, pay for advertising and promotion, and be staked to generate more Kallo Tokens.

The following metrics and key milestones will be used to measure Kalloview product, users, and money:

Product: Number of reviews on the platform Number of categories and subcategories Number of partnerships with businesses Number of products and services available for purchase on the platform Number of transactions processed on the platform

Users: Number of registered users Number of active users Number of reviews contributed by users Number of tokens distributed to users Number of tokens staked by users

Money: Total revenue generated Number of businesses using the platform Number of tokens sold Number of tokens staked Number of transactions processed Key Milestones:

Launch of the platform Onboarding of the first 100 users Onboarding of the first 10 businesses Processing of the first 1,000 transactions Distribution of the first 1 million tokens Achieving a monthly recurring revenue of $10,000 Achieving a monthly active user base of 10,000 Achieving a monthly transaction volume of $1 million

Conclusion KalloView is a game-changer in the world of reviews, using blockchain technology to ensure authenticity and transparency while rewarding users for their contributions. Our platform will provide consumers with a trusted source for reviews and businesses with a valuable tool for promotion and marketing. Join us in building a better future for reviews.

How it's Made

KalloView is a mobile application that will run on both Android and IOS platforms. The application is built using Flutter for the frontend, which allows for cross-platform development. The backend is built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

The blockchain implementation is built using Solidity, a programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The application uses wallet addresses as user IDs, which are unique identifiers for each user on the blockchain.

We plans to shift the project to the Arbitrum blockchain. Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, which provides faster and cheaper transactions. The shift will involve rewriting the smart contracts in Solidity to run on the Arbitrum blockchain.

Overall, the KalloView's tech stack is a combination of frontend and backend technologies, including Flutter, React, and Solidity. We also plans to leverage the benefits of the Arbitrum and solana blockchain for faster and cheaper transactions. While there were no significant hacky implementations worth mentioning, the project's focus on blockchain technology and cross-platform development using Flutter are notable features. one of the hacky implementation will the possibility for users incentivization for submitting reviews as well as for receiving comments on their reviews. This incentivization mechanism helps to encourage user engagement and create a vibrant community around the app.

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