A lot of developers in the web3 space have started working on smart contract wallets and account abstraction. Account abstracted wallets submit their transaction off-chain to a mem-pool and is later picked up by bundlers to submit on-chain.
Bundlers in-order to be efficient will submit transactions by different users in batch. This leads to a few issues.
- A single transaction will hold multiple user operations and of different users. Thus will be hard for a layman to read what happened in a single transaction that was submitted to the blockchain
- There are explorers currently that support batched transitions. Etherscan, polyscan, etc will only read complete transaction and do not relay accurate information regarding who submitted the transaction and what gas fees was spent.
- Developers right now simple way to test transactions out while understand what their wallets are doing.
- Wallet developers have no way to show the transactions that have happened to their users. I have created API end points and graphs for them.