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Social media dapp that wants to beat the discrimination in recruitment process in LATAM, taking care on what really matters:the abilities


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

This is a dapp that we decide to create to solve a big LATAM issue: discrimination in the recruitment process.

In our region, many people get rejected in hiring processes for many discriminating reasons, such as religion, gender, social origin and even their skin colour

We want to leave those barries behind with blockchain technology, to start focusing in what really matters: abilities. This could guaranteed inclusion, because we will see abilities before anything else and we know that we have a lot of talent that is rejected for the wrong reasons.

With iTrained you can show your abilities without even telling us who you are, uploading projects that will be validated peer to peer in a decentralized way, and after you get 3 validations, you can get an NFT as a Proof of Knowledge for that ability.

How it's Made

We use the following technology:

Solidity, React in fronend, INFURA to have a polygon RPC, Polyngon as our main chain, using Mumbai Testnet, web3js as the library for the frontend, ERC-721 tokens or NFTs created with IPFS and Metamask as the injected provider that we use for connect users wallets mantaining their anonymously status.

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