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Inter Planetary News

Truly distributed news application using conent distribution of IPFS

Inter Planetary News

Created At


Winner of

IPFS / Filecoin Prize Pool

Project Description

The intent of this app is to create a a rank based news feed where the contributors publish their articles onto IPFS for public to consume the news. The app creates a single static html page which is composed using all of the metadata and the data related to a news article and upload it into IPFS. News articles can have media, text and other types of data associated with it. Contributors can opt to keep some articles behing the paywall or subscription.

How it's Made

We are planning to use VueJS for the front end, AdonisJS for the backend with a NoSQL or SQL database as the content managent system. The news contributor uses the app to compose the article and view and edit it until it is published. Once the contributor is ready to pulish the article, they can review and publish the article which will create a single static html page based on the data and the metadata of the article and upload it ot IPDS,Article distribution will be done on IPFS and paywall can be implemented using Unlock.

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