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India3 is a decentralized platform where we can verify the demographic data of a person. This system uses decentralized technology such as blockchain to ensure the accuracy and validity of demographic data, such as name, age, gender, and location.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

India3 is a decentralized platform where we can verify the demographic and financial data of a person. This system uses decentralized technology such as blockchain to ensure the accuracy and validity of the input data. Firstly comes the Registration Manager(RM) who is adding data to the POLYBASE and to authenticate that registration manager is ethical we are using smart contract for security purpose. For the verification purpose, user is going to add data to the verify function which is inside the smart contract and through this API is being called and also as the user calls the verify function, their is an event that is fired and listened by the GRAPH NODE. Using the event listened by the GRAPH NODE, we fetch sender Id and desired Hashes and then compare it with the direct API call and by this way we are achieving double verification. Then after this we verifies data with the POLYBASE and evaluate it as true/false.

Some main keypoints of our project are :

  1. We are validating the data without relieving the data.
  2. Every time the verifier have to pay 0.001 ETH when he wants to verifies the data, thus it will prevent the issue of missuse the data. 3.We have deployed contracts on OPTIMISM.
  3. We are listening to the events that are fired by smart contract using GRAPH NODE.
  4. We are using PUSH PROTOCOL for notification purpose.

How it's Made

To begin the Registration process, a Registration Manager (RM) adds data to the POLYBASE. To authenticate that the RM is ethical, a smart contract is used for security purposes. Once the RM has added the data, the user can call the verify function, which is located inside the smart contract. This call triggers an API that is listened to by the GRAPH NODE, which fetches the sender ID and desired hashes.

Double verification is achieved by comparing the data obtained from the event listened to by the GRAPH NODE with the direct API call. Once the data has been verified, it is evaluated as true or false based on the information in the POLYBASE. It's important to note that data is not released during the verification process.

In summary, India3 is made up of several components, including the POLYBASE, smart contracts, APIs, the GRAPH NODE, and the PUSH PROTOCOL. The system is designed to ensure the accuracy and validity of input data using decentralized technology and double verification. The platform also incorporates measures to prevent misuse of data.

Below are the smart contract links: Graph Node : Optimism:

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